Date: Dec 15, 2016
University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and National Taiwan University (NTU) co-organized the NTU-UTokyo Joint Conference from November 30 to December 1, 2016. This was the first time the conference was held on the NTU campus ... more
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Date: Dec 15, 2016
University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and National Taiwan University (NTU) co-organized the NTU-UTokyo Joint Conference from November 30 to December 1, 2016. This was the first time the conference was held on the NTU campus ... more
President Pan-Chyr Yang (楊泮池) presided over NTU’s 88th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony at the NTU Sports Center on November 15. During the ceremony, President Yang called on every member of the NTU community to adopt global thinking ... more
Academic Research: Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Farming
Date: Oct 28, 2016
The College of Bioresources and Agriculture of National Taiwan University has been proactively making academic contribution to agriculture-related fields. The goal is to continue bolstering the technology of agricultural production ... more
Inspired by the garlands of flowers crafted by children around the world, a research team of the Department of Chemistry has created supramolecular daisy chains capable of muscle-like motions that could one day power molecular machines that ... more
Shape-Changing Soft Transformers Wins Innovative Design Simulation Challenge
Date: Sep 13, 2016
A team of three juniors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering won the Best Overall Simulation award in the commercial software category in the ASME Innovative Design Simulation Challenge (IDSC) this year ... more
2016HackNTU: Largest Student-Organized Hackathon in Asia
Date: Sep 8, 2016
The 2016 HackNTU was held at the NTU Sports Center during August 19-21. Jointly organized by the Taidah Entrepreneurship Center and HackNTU Student Preparatory Team, the three-day/two-night hackathon attracted over 600 participants from around the world ... more
Study Unearths Scientific Support for Legends of China's Great Flood and First Emperor
Date: Aug 8, 2016
Prof. David J. Cohen of the Department of Anthropology recently participated in a study that excavated materials that provide potential archaeological support for the historicity of the old legends of a Great Flood ... more
Seven NTU Faculty Elected as New Academia Sinica Academicians
Date: Aug 8, 2016
Seven NTU faculty members are among the new academicians elected to Academia Sinica in 2016. In the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences: Distinguished Chair Prof. Tai-Chang Chiang (江台章); Prof. Sun-Lin Chung (鍾孫霖), Department of Geosciences ... more
NTU Data Buoys Capture Crucial Data on Super Typhoon Nepartak
Date: Jul 21, 2016
Two weather and ocean observation buoys set up by a team from NTU’s Institute of Oceanography provided rich and unprecedented data that is helping scientists analyze the intensity and progression of Super Typhoon Nepartak. On July 8, the super typhoon, which has been described as one of the strongest tropical storms to hit the western region of ... more
NTU Sets Up Office at Silicon Valley
Date: Jun 16, 2016
National Taiwan University reached a new milestone in its efforts to promote innovation and entrepreneurship with the establishment of a satellite office in heart of Silicon Valley, Northern California. The National Taiwan University @ Silicon Valley (NTU@SV) center was officially inaugurated on June 11 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony ... more
State of the Robot Art: TAIDA Wins Grand Prize at Robot Art Contest
Date: May 26, 2016
A robot named TAIDA developed by the NTU International Center of Excellence on Intelligent Robotics and Automation Research (NTU-iCeiRA) recently won the grand prize of $30,000 at the debut Robot Art Contest. TAIDA out-painted its fellow roboartists from up to 7 countries with what the judges described as “the relative ... more
NTU Takes 3-0 Victory in University Football Championship
Date: Apr 15, 2016
It was a warm breezy spring evening when the NTU Football Varsity marched into the Taipei Stadium for the most important battle the year—the University Football Association finals. After over three months of intense competition, the team fought their way into the finals to compete against National Sun Yat-Sen University on April 3 ... more
President Yang Elected National Academy of Inventors Fellow
Date: Feb 16, 2016
NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang was elected as a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in view of his international leadership in the field of lung cancer research. Yang has made revolutionary contributions to humanity by developing new concepts and approaches for the treatment of lung cancer and leading his researchers in creating a ... more
NTU Alumni Receive Top US Invention and Innovation Honor
Date: Feb 4, 2016
Two overseas NTU alumni were recognized last year with one of the most prestigious honors granted in the U.S. for achievement in technological innovation and invention. On December 22, the White House named alumni Nancy Ho and Chen-Ming Calvin Hu among the eight recipients of the 2015 National Medal of Technology and Innovation ... more
Giving Thanks: Year-end Student Faculty Tea Party
Date: Jan 21, 2016
National Taiwan National Taiwan University hosted a Lunar New Year teacher-student tea party on Jan. 15. Hosted by NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang, over 700 overseas Chinese students, international students, and students from China gathered at the NTU Gymnasium to celebrate the end of the semester ahead of the Chinese New Year ... more