B.S., Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1985)
Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester (1993)
Professional Appointments
President, National Taiwan University, 2023/1/8~Present
Dean, College of Engineering, NTU, 2017/8~2023/1/7
Director, Advanced Research Center for Green Materials Science and Technology, NTU, 2018/6~Present
President, Federation of Asian Polymer Society, 2019/11~2021/6
President, The Polymer Society (Taipei), 2018/3~2020/2
Director, Center for Southeast Asia Education, NTU, 2017/6~2019/3
Associate Dean, College of Engineering, NTU, 2011/8~2017/7
Director, Center of Strategic Materials Alliance for Research and Technology, NTU, 2013/6~2017/12
Polymer Program Coordinator, National Science Council, 2009/1~2011/12
Director, Polymer Nanotechnology Research Center, NTU, 2007~2013
Professor and Director of Polymer science and Engineering, NTU, 2005/8~2011/7
Associate Professor (1996/8~2000/7), Professor (2000/8~) of Chemical Eng., NTU
Researcher, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), 1993/4~1996/7
Research Interest and Publications
Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers, Block Copolymers, and Hybrid Materials
Major Awards and Honors
Honorary PhD, University of Grenoble-Alps (2022)
Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (2021-2024)
National Chair Professorship (Engineering and Applied Science), Ministry of Education (2021-2024)
Academician, Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM), 2019
International Award, Society of Polymer Science, Japan, 2019
France-Taiwan Scientific Prize, Academy of Sciences, Institute de Franc (France) and Ministry of
Science and Technology (Taiwan), 2018
Future Tech Breakthrough Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018
Academic Award, Ministry of Education, 2016
Scientific Chair Professor-Nanotechnology, Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Scientific and Technology
Memorial Foundation, 2015
Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), 2014
Ho Chin Tui Outstanding Research Award (Materials Science), Ho Chin Tui Foundation, 2013
Teco Award, Teco Technology Foundation, 2013
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Polymer Society (Taipei), 2013
Outstanding Research Award, Taiwan Chemical Industry Association, 2013
Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 2004, 2009, 2012 (three times)
Academic Industrial Economic Contribution Award, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2009
Nano-Tech award, Taiwan Nanotechnology Industry Development Association, 2009
Outstanding Engineering Professor, Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2007