NTU wins the 2024 “National Sustainable Development Awards” for exerting influence in higher education
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Prof. Helen K. Liu Elected as ARNOVA’s Board Director
Congratulations! Prof. Helen K. Liu (劉康慧) from the NTU Department of Political Science has been elected as Board Director of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). She will be assisting in hosting the 2023 and 2024 ARNOVA Annual Conferences. Founded in 1971, ARNOVA is a diverse community of scholars, educators, and practice leaders that strengthens the field of nonprofit and philanthropic research in order to improve civil society and human life.
Prof. Liu is from the Department of Political Science and the Graduate Institute of Public Affairs at NTU. Her primary research interests are in interorganizational networks, social service provision, collaborative governance, crowdsourcing adaptation, and nonprofit management. She has taught courses in nonprofit management, public management reform, and NGOs and governance. She received the Ministry of Science and Technology Outstanding Research Award in 2020.
As of 2022, ARNOVA has more than 1,000 members. 11 board members from different regions around the world were elected in the 2022 annual council, including North America, South America, Asia, and Africa. As a member of ARNOVA’s Board of Directors, Prof. Liu said she would continue to participate in the development and decision-making in ARNOVA, hoping to promote international collaboration and strengthen talent cultivation for NTU and Taiwan.
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