In accordance with the announcement of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) of loosening the mask-wearing regulations indoors from February 20 and the Ministry of Education’s announcement of easing mask restrictions indoors at school of all levels from March 6, NTU announces the following epidemic measures effective from the upcoming semester (111-2). The measures will be flexibly adjusted according to the latest CECC announcements.
From February 20 to March 5
- Teachers are not required to wear masks during class, but they need to maintain social distancing or have protective barriers installed. Students must wear masks in class.
- Classrooms should be well-ventilated and cleaned regularly, and operating equipment and tools used in class must be properly disinfected.
- The Office of Academic Affairs will strengthen the cleaning and disinfection measures of the lecture buildings to enhance the effect of epidemic prevention. Faculty members and students are requested to be alert to epidemic prevention and take personal protective measures.
- Masks are not required outdoors, but they should still be worn on public transportation (including the NTU shuttle buses).
- People do not need to wear a mask indoors in the following situations, but they should carry one with them or have one ready for use, and keep masks on before and after the following situations:
(1) When exercising, singing, taking individual/group photos, dining or drinking;
(2) When livestreaming, filming, moderating an event, reporting, delivering remarks, giving a speech, or during activities or events involving conversations with others;
(3) When singing, dancing, or playing an instrument - Masks are required when entering the indoor sports facilities and can only be taken off while exercising. Please keep the mask on immediately before or after exercising. Masks can also be taken off when exercising in PE class.
- Masks are still recommended if respiratory symptoms are present and social distancing with unknown persons cannot be maintained.
Starting from March 6
- The spontaneous mask-wearing policy will be implemented in the classroom. At special venues or when there is a special need during teaching, teachers and students may decide to wear or not wear a mask after discussions.
- Masks are required at the NTU Health Center and on the NTU shuttle buses. At other venues on campus, it is up to the faculty, staff, and students to decide whether to wear a mask.
- Masks are still recommended if respiratory symptoms are present and social distancing with unknown persons cannot be maintained.
- The University will continue to take the cleaning and disinfection measures regularly for dormitories and lecture buildings.