NTU wins the 2024 “National Sustainable Development Awards” for exerting influence in higher education
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Group photo taken during the visit.
NUS President Tan Eng Chye (left) and NTU President Chung-Ming Kuan (right).
NTU delegation’s visit to NUS.
To further and substantiate collaborations in specific fields with the National University of Singapore (NUS), a partner university of NTU, President Chung-Ming Kuan (管中閔) led a delegation comprising Executive Vice President Chiapei Chou (周家蓓), Dean of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Yao-Wen Chang (張耀文), Dean of Management Shing-Yang Hu (胡星陽), Chair of the Department of Chinese Literature Chia-Ling Mei (梅家玲), and CEO of the Department of Development Simon Liou (劉鴻章) to visit NUS on October 25, 2019.
The visit began with discussions on potential areas of collaboration, followed by a panel joined by the NTU delegation, NUS President Tan Eng Chye (陳永財), and NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost Ho Teck Hua (何德華).
The discussions led to fruitful outcomes. In the field of EECS, both NTU and NUS agreed to enhance faculty/student exchange, research collaborations, and the sharing of industrial and academic resources. In the future, a specific number of doctoral students will be selected for student exchange every year, and the students can be jointly advised by faculty members of NTU and NUS without having to pay the tuition fee of the other university. In the field of management, both universities shared information about their summer programs and deliberated on jointly offering elective courses for EMBA students. In the field of Chinese studies, besides scheduling the dates for signing an MOU this year for conducting faculty/student visits and co-organizing an academic summer camp next year, NTU will offer courses on Chinese literature and news writing for NUS students. NUS’s Department of Chinese Studies also planned to list the opportunity of joining a one-year student exchange program at NTU in its student recruitment promotional materials.
NUS’s field representatives attending the panel included Dean of Engineering Aaron Thean, Vice Dean of Engineering Chin Wei Ngan, Dean of Business School Andrew K. Rose, and Head of the Department of Chinese Studies Kenneth Dean.
Both NTU and NUS are among the leading comprehensive research universities in academia. Since initiating partnership in 2001, the two universities have engaged in frequent and active interactions at both university and departmental levels. To date, NTU and NUS have jointly offered student exchange programs in such fields as management, nursing, and industrial engineering, sending over 200 exchange students to each other’s campus in the past five years.
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