

National Taiwan University 87th Anniversary

Date: Nov 19, 2015

Image1:Distinguished Alumni Corporate Award winner Wen-Hann Wang.Image2:NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang.

Distinguished Alumni Corporate Award winner Wen-Hann Wang.

NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang.

National Taiwan University celebrated its 87th birthday with a series of events held throughout the month of November as well as a celebration ceremony in the morning of Nov. 15. President Pan-Chyr Yang (楊泮池) personally presided over the ceremony in honoring this year’s distinguished alumni as well as recognizing the recipients of the Student Social Contribution Awards, Outstanding Youth Awards and Honors Students.

The 2015 Distinguished Alumni Awards were presented to the following individuals:

Arts and Humanities Award

  • Chao-Cheng Chung (鍾肇政): “Mother of Taiwan Literature,” Department of Chinese Literature
  • Lucy Chen (陳秀美, also known as Ruoxi Chen): author and prominent advocate of Chinese modern literature, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

Academic Award

  • Chain T. Liu (劉錦川): material science specialist and Academicians, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Sun-Yung Alice Chang (張聖容): Department of Mathematics
  • Soo-Chen Cheng (鄭淑珍): Department of Chemistry

Corporate Award

  • Xian-Zhang Chen (陳顯彰): Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Daniel M. Tsai (蔡明忠): Department of Law
  • Wen-Hann Wang (王文漢): Department of Electrical Engineering

Public Service Award

  • Han-Liang Cheng (韓良誠): School of Medicine

In addition to the ceremony, other events during the festive month included musical performances, art lectures and exhibitions, alumni lectures, and guided campus tours.

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